a collateral benefit to existing

When I was at vicar college I thought I was being prepared for radical church. Not being a lifelong Anglican, and then only extremely low-church, and with warnings from friends about not becoming ‘domesticated’ into the Anglican way ringing in my ears, I thought God would send me to the more radical fringes – youth congregations, fresh expressions, the sort of thing that usually needs lots of wires, boot space and where the only sacred object is the worship leaders album-smile.

It turns out God had other plans. You see, he doesn’t just want the radical fringes to grow. He doesn’t just want young, motivated and skilled clergy (I was in those days) in those places. So, after a curacy learning the ropes in a mid-tempo low-church and very supportive environment where I still got to play the drums, I was called to my current estate church, which was then a very tired, very faithful remnant of 12-14 older ladies in the parish sister church, meeting fortnightly with a robed communion and singing to MIDI file organ tracks on floppy discs. Floppy discs!

A question: what would a successful ministry be in that church? The then Bishop of Croydon Nick Baines said to me in interview that they didn’t know if God was calling me to close the church gracefully, or to foster new growth. I had to be prepared to fail, if success is growth. So, we came here not knowing what would happen. Except that, in my licensing service, he said to the congregation that I was not to be chaplain to the congregation, but vicar to the parish. That I must do what vicars must do, which is not only enable and foster spiritual growth in the current congregation, but look upwards and outwards to those not yet ‘in’. Our ministry is not and cannot be solely ecclesiastical.

4½ years on, and despite setbacks along the way, we have grown. In faith, and in number. And then not grown. At least in number.


Why am I saying this? It is in response to Justin Welby’s interview on the Today programme, to qualify his words:

“…but the reality is, where you have a good vicar, you will find growing churches.”

This has many truths within it. What he doesn’t mean is that a good vicar will always mean growing churches. Sometimes it is all we can do to support and enable things as they are. Many vicars will constantly feel guilty that they haven’t found the key to people flooding in. Sometimes success is people getting through life from one week to the next. Sometimes it is getting the vicar through life from one week to the next. This isn’t reflected in parish statistics.

But. As Justin Welby went on to say, there is a pattern. And that pattern is this:

“[the church] need to be flexible in how it engages locally and it needs to be very clear in its intention to grow in numbers… All the research we’ve got is that if we don’t actually set out to grow the number of people and draw people to the reality of the love of God in Jesus Christ, it doesn’t happen. It’s not a collateral benefit to existing. So you’ve got to be very intentional…”

The pattern is intentionality. When we came to this church, the congregation knew when everyone was there, so the welcomers closed the door and sat down. When we begin to expect and anticipate newcomers, it changes how we approach the welcome. Intentionality. From nothing for kids at all, we went from a kids colouring table at the back, to kids sitting at the front on the mat, to a regular kids group. Intentionality.

I meet many vicars who have no intentionality in their mission. If it happens, it will be a collateral benefit to existing – through baptisms, or choir membership, or church schools. This used to work, and does sometimes lead to sustaining the status quo. But actively drawing people into the reality of the love of God in Jesus Christ needs more than a passive hope. So, we need to actively engage with local schools, primary and secondary; we need to actively engage with local kids and families and older people.

view from BA cropped

Here, our main ministries outside of Sunday church have been coffee morning, toddler group and kids on the church roof. Radical? Not really. Done intentionally, with the aim of drawing people into God’s love? Yes. Not the radical I had in mind at college, but it works. 

So let me encourage those ministering in traditional contexts, that we don’t have to be radical but we do have to be intentional. The way it has always been is not how it will always be. For us that has meant singing to MP3s of worship songs and hymns, not robing, being informal in our style but serious in our love and serious in our welcome. It has meant giving love from the depths of our hearts, to those in the congregation who would rather things were like they used to be but actually delightfully welcome the presence of children – children! – in their previously dying church; and giving love to those who have no background in church, know nothing of the Bible stories, or when to stand or sit and why we have so many candles.

The key is what Justin Welby said about the love of God. We set out to grow people in faith and knowledge of the love of God in Jesus Christ; not to grow churches or maintain a museum. You can’t grow a church without faith. But when you grow faith, you grow church. So yes, good vicars are more likely to grow churches because they have growth as their intentional plan. It is not and should not be solely a collateral benefit to existing. That will surely only lead to exiting.

And at the end of the day, it’s not just about leadership and strategy: without the Holy Spirit at the centre you’re building a kingdom of jelly anyway. 

You can find the interview with Justin Welby here:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p01p3z2v

If you don’t know what vicars actually do, click here for a job description. 


  1. paintingman Avatar

    “When you grow faith you grow church”. My faith is growing leaps and bounds by meeting with people who see God doing stuff that only God can. They may seem to be on the fringe of the church but I think they are becoming more mainstream as we speak.

  2. Shelley Avatar

    As someone who didn’t grow up going to church and when I found my way to church through my faith, constantly felt out of place because I didn’t know how to “do” church, radical or conservatively, where I was made to feel spiritually stupid for my immature beliefs; I read your words with great hope and pray there is a deep awakening in more churches to provide such profound compassion and love of Christ. Small quiet hands of those who felt just as isolated, either way, in church because they couldn’t do the “new way” of church or were bored/not inspired by the old way, these were the young and the elderly, some having been born and raised “doing” church all their lives, or like me, trying to be part of a fellowship, falling away at the edges. I cried out for such compassion as I read here and was shut down by those who thought they knew better. These are great words indeed. Amen 🙂

  3. c2drl Avatar

    That is all great stuff. i wonder too if there is something for the Church to just be? To be the presence of god in the Parish, praying for the parish, caring for the people, showing God’s love and compassion. The regularity of worship, this visability of the presence, the spitiual caliming of the area for God, it seems to me is an important part of what you do. God has many ways of his Church being. Some involve trendy, some involve traditional, some are exciting, many are just hard work. All, done to his glory and under the guidance of his Spirit, are equally pleasing to Him, and that in the end is what matters. Keep up God’s Good Work and rejoice in His pleasure.

  4. Claire Alcock Avatar

    That’s very encouraging for someone who wanted to be a pioneer minister and ended up leading small rural mainly Eucharistic congregations…God has a sense of humour!

  5. Kevin Avatar

    I’ve been so encouraged by the comments and by how much this post has been read. Thank you, and I am glad that I have been able to encourage people in what can seem just hard and fruitless, though it isn’t! Well, not always.

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